alles im griff GmbH


Always the right grip

alles im griff GmbH

Wangerstreet 2
A-4541 Adlwang

Telefon: +43 664 8444472 

Opening hours

Monday 8 a.m to 12 a.m & 1 p.m to 5 p.m
Tuesday 8 a.m to 12 a.m & 1 p.m to 5 p.m
Wednesday 8 a.m to 12 a.m & 1 p.m to 5 p.m
Thursday 8 a.m to 12 a.m & 1 p.m to 5 p.m
Friday 8 a.m to 12 a.m


Appointments only by telephone agreement under the telephone number +43 664 8444472.

How to get to us

alles im griff GmbH

Whether classic or modern, with us you will find unique & individual furniture handles,
Furniture feet and furniture fittings in highest quality!

We’ve got it under control!

Ulrike Gajo-Brandstetter
alles im griff GmbH
alles im griff GmbH